One of the prisoner's friends offered to bail him out.
Frank's wife came down to the police station to bail him out.
Franks wife came down to the police station to bail him out.
Paul Allen had to bail him out of jail after one midnight escapade.
His father was a maths teacher who went off the rails: young Roland once had to borrow money to bail him out of jail.
Though resourceful and even cunning if the situation demanded it, Anakin generally trusted his superior Force-abilities to bail him out of a tight squeeze.
But if someone shows up and tells you he is your half-brother and that you are obligated to bail him out… well, the bonds are not solid enough for Germans to bail out Greeks.
If a grand jury indicts him, the case will move to a different judge in the New York system, and Mr. Strauss-Kahn and his lawyers will get another chance to argue that he should be let out on bail.
Well, when he sobered up, he called someone from work to come and bail him out.
哦,等他酒醒以后,他打电话请公司的人来保他出去。 。
They woke him up not in order to still the storm but probably simply to help them row or bail out water.
The bail -out law requires him to decide by May how to regulate derivatives and hedge funds.
The bail -out law requires him to decide by May how to regulate derivatives and hedge funds.