Reid was forced to bail out of the crippled aircraft.
I'd understand if you wanted to bail out of this relationship.
His last act was to bail out General Motors and Chrysler.
At the time, the World Bank was deciding whether to bail out Russia.
And we can continue to bail out the Banks while pretending to help homeowners.
If conditions worsen, discussion may shift from whether to bail out countries to how.
In Denmark the central bank felt obliged to bail out a small lender on September 22nd.
Even with the extra IMF money, there may not be enough to bail out Spain and its Banks.
Then, buyers began to bail out, employers shed staff and companies put expansion on hold.
Much of it was raised from foreign firms which British taxpayers would never have to bail out.
Ostensibly to bail out the newspaper industry but also to foster a life-long habit of learning.
As I said, the important thing is to bail out the system, not the people who got us into this mess.
Savers are already penalised by record low interest rates, as central banks try to bail out debtors.
And he suggested that he will need more money to bail out banks than the $700 billion already authorised.
If EU leaders agree to bail out Portugal, they may find they have already used quite a big chunk of their fund.
But that illusion has been shattered by the spread of financial turmoil to Italy, a country too big to bail out, and to Spain.
Italy, considered too big to bail out, has replaced Greece as the main cause for concern in the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis.
The willingness of central Banks to use interest-rate cuts to bail out financial markets only added to the speculative enthusiasm.
A year ago they tore up the rule book to bail out Greece and to ward off market attacks on other fiscal reprobates in the euro area.
He said many Americans are concerned that their tax money will be used to bail out private lenders and other financial institutions.
TARP was set up to bail out Banks, but its remit has gradually widened, with Mr Obama now wanting it to provide loans to small businesses.
The guardians of the euro, by contrast, are reading from an older playbook, the one that suggested it was a good idea to bail out Bear Stearns.
The core members have been good stewards of their money and shouldn't have to bail out the periphery just to save a 10-year-old common currency.
The Kremlin cannot afford to bail out the oligarchs much more than it already has, but it clearly expects them to do their bit to hold down job losses.
Darling is determined to keep control of national supervision of Banks because he believes that ultimately British taxpayers have to bail out UK Banks.
Previously in his tenure, he had resisted heavy pressure to bail out a smaller bank called Penn Square: he judged the system could cope with its failure.
When a long marriage isn't as good as it could be, the temptation can be to bail out or to sweep the issues under the carpet and settle for the status quo.
For weeks, the White House expressed reluctance to dip into the rescue package, which Congress approved in October to bail out U.S. financial institutions.
The Fed has cut interest rates, worked closely with the US Treasury to bail out key private firms like Bear Stearns and AIG, and flooded markets with liquidity.
The Fed has cut interest rates, worked closely with the US Treasury to bail out key private firms like Bear Stearns and AIG, and flooded markets with liquidity.