In this solo show in Shanghai, his recent works are going to be exhibited.
This year, AFA Macau has again submitted a proposal of artworks to be exhibited in the event.
When an infrastructure executes, we expect certain qualities (such as performance of the tools) to be exhibited from the development environment.
After the launch in late June of the 135th (and last) mission in the shuttle programme, Atlantis will remain in Florida to be exhibited at the Kennedy Space centre's visitor centre.
The invention discloses a method and a device for exhibiting court trial data in a split screen way. The method comprises the following steps: acquiring court trial data required to be exhibited;
That is to say, as a reward for bravery, exhibited bravery, the hero should be allowed to kiss anyone they like while they are on patrol, male or female.
Deserved to be mentioned, there will exihibit parts of the world famous pictures from France Orsay museums, which will be the first time exhibited outside France.
Christie-Mizell began the research thinking that mothers' work hours would be more likely to have an impact on whether children exhibited bullying behavior.
They were exhibited at Baghdad's National Museum for just a few months before Iraq invaded Kuwait and the treasure had to be stashed away in a secret location.
Social proxies can be used in a variety of ways — but the main thing to remember is that they encourage people to participate because they can "see" the social cues being exhibited by others.
One-third of the guards were judged to have exhibited "genuine" sadistic tendencies, while many prisoners were emotionally traumatized and two had to be removed from the experiment early.
The total number of flowers exhibited for National Day will be up to 20 million pots.
Dr. Burt found that, among 289 pairs of male twins, all born in the ’70s, those who exhibited lower levels of antisocial behavior at ages 17 and 20 were more likely to be married by age 29.
His latest collection, called Concrete Ocean, will be exhibited in London from March 3 to April 2, 2011 to show that people are lonely and intimidated by big city life.
他将于2011年3月3日至4月2日在伦敦举办最新小人艺术展览“ConcreteOcean ”,以此来展现现代人的孤独感和以及人在城市生活中的渺小。
About 300 winning inventions will be exhibited from late July to early August.
Students will be judged on the completeness of their lab notes, and on their ability to observe different behaviors exhibited by the animal during the testing period.
Those who exhibited a conflict ridden pattern were found to be more likely to stay together than the dramatic group.
The straddling bus, first exhibited on the 13th Beijing International High-tech Expo in May this year, may be one possible answer to the traffic problem.
All these can be exhibited by an elegant static picture album to you targeted consumers.
The general behavior and personality of Alzheimer's suffers in the latter stages often seems to be in complete contrast to typical behaviour exhibited throughout the patient's life.
Eight of Zhu Wei's ink and color on papers will be exhibited in the group show "RESHAPING HISTORY Chinart from 2000 to 2009".
Tiffany designed a skill selection jewelry throughout 1902 this also exhibited enameled surface jewelry manufactured by Louis Tiffany seemed to be any son of Charles Tiffany.
In this regard, we are honored to have contributed a symbol of Harmony from the FSM to be Shared and exhibited to the world during the 2008 Olympic Games.
The signal exhibited by the released reporters may then be used to indicate the presence or quantity of an enzyme or enzyme inhibitor within the test sample.
由释放的报道分子所显示的信号可用来指示试验样品内酶或酶抑制剂的存在或数 量。
The different types of cancer cells examined in the study exhibited similar levels of softness, allowing the healthy and diseased ones to be clearly identified.
The over 20 pieces of his recent works exhibited seemed to be the victory of a fighter, or it seemed again to be an utopia of a person keeping an uncommunicative and eccentric taste.
The over 20 pieces of his recent works exhibited seemed to be the victory of a fighter, or it seemed again to be an utopia of a person keeping an uncommunicative and eccentric taste.