I request to be informed of the current situation.
Should a serious crisis arise, the public would have to be informed of what it means.
Staff will need to be informed of new procedures and, where necessary, trained in new skills.
It was a shocking conclusion and I realised that the world needed to be informed of my findings.
When an Editor TAB is dragged, our filter is the first one to be informed of the drag operation.
For big installations with a low percentage of log outs users need to be informed of the problem.
I would like to see a timely investigation conducted and would like to be informed of the progress.
It was a shocking conclusion and I realized that the world needed to be informed of my findings, "added her."
But you're the man behind the decider who decides what the decider is going to read, to be informed of, to see, who he is to see.
To ascertain the Bank's policies and practices in relation to data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by the Bank.
In this case, the serializer responsible for creating the resource expression needs to be informed of the names of the target objects.
It also calls for detainees, their families and society to be informed of prisoners' rights, as well as law-enforcement standards and procedures.
The second scenario is a simple extension from the first, requiring the Policy Resolution mediation primitive to be informed of the operation in play.
The utility model is able to ensure the user to be informed of the operational status of product during the utilization, thus ensuring effective control.
本实用新型可以保证用 户在使用产品的过程中了解产品的运行状态,从而有效的进行控制。
To achieve this, any corporation shall, by means of data analytical instrument, strive to be informed of customer regularity and apply it into decision makings.
Above all else, making the planned change a reality requires communication. Staff will need to be informed of new procedures and, where necessary, trained in new skills.
Article 35 a bidder shall have the right to be informed of defects of the objects of auction and the right to inspect them and to have access to information pertaining to them.
In order to be informed of national primary and secondary students achievements in the core curriculums, national Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) was established in America.
The public must be able to understand the basics of science to make informed decisions.
He is informed of a British operation planned for Brague which his operatives will be expected to support.
The appellant shall also be informed of any right to further appeal.
Defining a reply-to address specifying where the response should be sent, and ensuring that the service provider is informed of this destination.
When the first CLUSSDR channel is defined and the queue manager successfully joins the cluster, it will immediately be informed of the other repository and build channels to communicate with it.
The review team also needs to be informed when they can expect to see versions of the proposal so that they can anticipate when they will need to provide feedback.
In its Apple App Store description, the app claims to offer “the first line of information to anyone considering divorce or separation and who wants to be better informed about the process”.
If an error occurs, users should be notified and informed of ways to recover.
And you'll be better informed about the riskier parts of the code base prior to making changes.
And you'll be better informed about the riskier parts of the code base prior to making changes.