But he believes that theory, to be of use, must keep its feet on the ground.
Every student is a light, a creative spark, waiting to be of use in dispelling the darkness.
The WHO approach is flexible enough to be of use in countries with vastly different historical, social and economic contexts.
So although tiny wormholes do exist, and it may be possible to inflate one some day, it won't last long enough to be of use as a time machine.
Ivory tower assets are often provided too late to be of value to their intended audience or have far too much baggage to be of use in practice.
If you're new to astronomy and you come across something in this manual which you don't understand, you may find the information in the appendix to this help system to be of use.
The trap is often the expert, in this case, a designer, is hired by the VP, but no one anticipates how many things need to change in the organization for the designer to be of use.
To foster this kind of environment, consider weekly developer meetings or "lunch 'n learn" sessions where participants are required (or asked) to discuss something they've read and found to be of use.
It might even be the case that we could use neuroaesthetic studies to understand the longevity of some pieces of artwork.
This may be a way to use our dreams rather than a purpose of dreaming.
Visiting cards used to be an indispensable attribute of the etiquette and the rules of their use were as sophisticated as those of cutlery.
If the students did not use their cell phones, there would be a photo on the screen of the bracelet to show that.
The contents of this booklet should be of use to all students.
He may now be ready to sanction the use of force.
Use this knife to chop, slice and mince; the side of the blade can be used for crushing garlic and some spices.
At the moment, though, more needs to be done to reduce the detrimental impact it would have on the environment, particularly as regards the use of energy.
It could be better to improve the public service or cut the price of energy use in daily life.
This would generate steam that could be used to fill tanks on a small steam train without the use of fire.
We use gestures to indicate a wide range of meanings, though I have to emphasize that the actual gestures we use may be specific to particular cultures.
The pilot should be able to use a joystick to control small thrusters on the side of the ship.
"Would it be of any use, now," thought Alice, "to speak to this mouse?"
The teachers must be free to teach in their own way—the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course.
The teachers must be free to teach in their own way — the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course.
California, home of Silicon Valley, recently proposed far more restrictive rules that would require human drivers be ready to take the wheel, and ban commercial use of self-driving technology.
Every minute should be made use of to learn English in our class.
Given these inadequacies, it is clear why the case history use of court records is to be preferred.
Most research has foucus on simian animals and found them to be highly adept in social learning, tool use, and other essentials of human-like culture.
The birds will be encouraged to clean the park through the use of a small box that delivers a small amount of bird food each time the rook deposits a cigaret and/or a small piece of rubbish.
If they want to use me to plug Australia, I'd be delighted to do so because I can't think of another country I'd rather visit.
If they want to use me to plug Australia, I'd be delighted to do so because I can't think of another country I'd rather visit.