The law creating the debt ceiling itself needs to be repealed.
And he joins the top Republican in the House who actually called for the law to be repealed even before it passed.
The smirking killer later said he acted because Mr Taseer's call for the blasphemy law to be repealed made Mr Taseer himself a "blasphemer".
But if the laws were repealed tomorrow, most of the nations of the world would make no move to take advantage of the respite, and any that did would be in danger of finding their credit vanishing.
Most of Draco's code, which was said to be written in blood, was repealed after his death.
这套法典有人说是用血写成的,德拉古死后, 大部份条文都告撤销。
Appendix II of this Act in the regulations be implemented from the date of this Act repealed, the scope of persons referred to in the Appendix.
Instead, the holders of company owned equipment in those happy people do not wake the market one day to discover that their model "repealed" to be replaced by something else entirely different.
This claim could not be accepted on the grounds that, under reviews pursuant to Article 11 (2) of the basic Regulation, measures must either be maintained or repealed, but not modified.
This claim could not be accepted on the grounds that, under reviews pursuant to Article 11 (2) of the basic Regulation, measures must either be maintained or repealed, but not modified.