That's followed by the final dramatic element—the denouement or the resolution, when all the loose ends have to be tied up in a logical way.
Still, there are some loose ends that need to be tied up and blunt honesty may be the only way to do it.
The invention can effectively avoid the fracture of wire rods, and the wire rods are convenient to be tied up into bundles.
The plan will be for spacemen and up to eight passengers to travel in Neptune, a capsule tied to a balloon about the size of a football field.
However, any design you come up with should support your functions, and in fact be intrinsically tied to it.
That may be difficult to realize, however, because an unknown number of doses is already tied up through contracts between pharmaceutical companies and countries that can afford them.
Up in the cloud there will be a body of data for each individual that will accompany them through life, he explains, and it will not be tied to any particular device, as it is today.
To make the GAE scalable, it cannot be tied up by long-running requests.
This is a great keyboard of its own kind, it can be tied up on your wrist and easy to carry and use.
Another area that needs to be put under the microscope is working capital, or the cash that gets tied up in day-to-day operations.
This is likely to be offset only partially by a pick-up in businesses tied more closely to economic growth, such as advising on mergers and acquisitions.
Up to 75% of your mental energy can be tied up in things that are draining and distracting you.
Job and office moves will become voluntary, and up to 30% of the variable pay of the firm's top 1,100 managers will be tied to their "social" performance.
Job and office moves will become voluntary, and up to 30% of the variable pay of the firm's top 1, 100 managers will be tied to their "social" performance.
Their own money is tied up in each venture, and they can't afford to be sentimental about it.
Baggage packing The checked baggage should be packed correctly, well locked and tied up and be able to withstand reasonable handing.
I'm sorry I won't be able to attend your lecture. I'm really tied up at the moment.
If your organization has such a one donkey, you should immediately remove it off, if you are unable to do so. it should be tied up.
Great! I 'll be happy to come. I have been pretty tied up these day, but Friday is a good day for me.
Great! I'll be happy to come. I have been pretty tied up these days, but Friday is a good day for me.
Her Ladyship had dreamed that her little daughter, who had died so young, had been tied up with red bands and was going to be killed.
Her Ladyship had dreamed that her little daughter, who had died so young, had been tied up with red bands and was going to be killed.