He was well-built, but too fleshy to be impressive.
Wu was quoted as saying that additional boats would be added to the fisheries administration fleet, possibly including converted naval vessels as well as newly built vessels.
And it tramples on the rights of landowners, since it has to be built well back from the riverside so as not to interfere with flood channels.
The French Ministry of Culture wants to relocate this laboratory, as well as the Louvre's storerooms, to a site about 50km (30 miles) outside Paris in a new facility to be built in Cergy-Pontoise.
The right tourism development conception should be built up in order to develop these tourism resources well.
The upper floors are designed to be large enough to house a sitting area, a double bed as well as a bathroom and built-in wardrobe.
All seemed to be well. The clock was built-in, one of the largest in the world and one of the most accurate.
One will be for people occupying a certain area during certain game moments and of course not too close to pre built cities as well.
The adjacent world class Gentle hot Spring Valley Holiday Resort and the five-star hotel as well as the international convention center to be built will add to the great scenery here.
In conjunction with the mercenary haven that's also being built, the Terran player will be able to buy tech upgrades for marines as well as produce reapers from his barracks.
In Angola as well, deals secured with daily oil exports have been revised so that larger amounts of oil need to be exported daily - a measure built into the original deals, according to Ms Brautigam.
The neural network we have built can be used to integrate and analyze the different kinds of well logging data to obtain the formation parameters in particular depth.
She lives in a house that she built herself out of trash. Well, the stuff used to be called trash, but now it's called "recycled"material.
Many new buildings and stadiums have been built, roads have been widened, and all the places will be well decorated to welcome the guests from around the world.
Suitable to be built as supermarkets, warehouse stores, as well as logistics center for the surrounding residents, enterprises and institutions.
Although it can be more expensive to have a custom home built, the new home buyer would be well served to research and consider this option.
As well as the conducting target, the geometrical model of the dielectric target should first be built, then triangular patches are used to model the surface of the dielectric target.
A well-built interview portfolio might be just the ingredient to add to your interview mix.
Forest engineers have long known how to estimate construction costs of a logging road, but operating costs of log trucks can not be well quantified before the road is built.
Because they built them to keep their bodies so that they could be kept well in them.
Niwa would appear to be well-suited to the role of Japan's rainmaker in China, having built up a network of business and political contacts during his time as Itochu's president from 1998 to 2004.
At the same time, the coal tar processing facilities should not be built blindly and should do well feasibility study, attaching importance to environmental protection and the con...
It is planned to play short movies on shipping knowledge and famous ancient ships of China as well as the world. The Hall will be built into a vault 360 0 vision one.
It is planned to play short movies on shipping knowledge and famous ancient ships of China as well as the world. The Hall will be built into a vault 360 0 vision one.