I have now to countermand that order, in consequence of the receipting of the letter this morning.
If you do not deliver the goods as promise by the end of June, we will be compelled to countermand our order.
But the source of the latest impasse was Mr Netanyahu, who either knew about the announcement or failed to countermand the new settlements when he heard about them.
Intimately familiar with the parameters of the droid signal device, Dellso found a way to countermand the deactivate signal, and soon newly minted battle droids began churning out on the fiery world.
From around the world, postcards poured in to then-U. S. Attorney Paul Charlton's office demanding that he countermand the order to prosecute.
From around the world, postcards poured in to then-U. S. Attorney Paul Charlton's office demanding that he countermand the order to prosecute.