If one firm cut its prices, destroying the unspoken deal to carve up the market, it would succeed only in starting a price war.
Without a benchmark deal, iron ore is sold in the open market, which could leave Chinese steelmakers vulnerable to soaring prices as the world's resources sector recovers from the downturn.
The best emerging-market companies have learned a great deal from the West in recent years. It is time for Western multinationals to return the compliment.
In a conference call on Monday morning, Google said it was confident that it will be able to win regulatory approval, since the deal will ultimately improve competition in the smart phone market.
But people familiar with the matter said the company doesn't have a specific deal in mind for the cash, moving instead to take advantage of market conditions.
The deal with Ryanair is not the only tie-up that Comac has forged with a foreign company, as it seeks to be taken seriously in the international market.
Those of us in the media who watch the market love to make a big deal about how an index has reached a new round number.
In addition, Gazprom gave TNK-BP an option to buy back 25% of the field at a market price, but only if BP fulfils its part of the deal.
另外,Gazprom给了TNK -BP一个选择可以以市场价格回购原来股份的25%,但前提条件是BP要完全履行这次的交易责任。
According to the company's PR spiel, there is still a great deal of inefficiency in the online-reservations market that can be squeezed out of the system.
Shares of targets in most such transactions tend to trade higher when a deal is announced because they are usually purchased for more than their market price.
Reasons: Being an invisible property right, Business secret is "king". "Sharp - Sword" in the market competition, which can bring a great deal of interests tO the right - keepers.
Open stock account to a stockjobber deal with a phone to entrust trading formalities next the time that can trade in the stock market finally undertakes the phone is entrusted traded.
So the fact that you get rejected in front of other people at the market, at the gym, or anywhere else is not a big deal to anyone but you.
As the strategy of manufacturing enterprise in 21st century, agile manufacturing is proposed to deal with a dynamically changing world market, and it gets a worldwide attention.
CTF has just struck a deal with DE Beers to market one of the diamond company's brands in its outlet in Changsha, the capital of Hunan province.
To deal with slow response to the market changes in process industry, a process integration modeling method for process industry was brought forward to integrate materiel flow, fund flow and workflow.
In this mode, it is important to set up a orderly mineral rights deal market.
Imports and exports obviously contribute to a great deal of churning in the Labour market.
As a result, it is necessary to replace the traditional statistic model with nonlinear model that can deal with imperfective information in order to improve the quality of forecasting stock market.
As investors fear the financial plate continued to increase, especially the sharp fall in banking stocks on the a share market, created a great deal of mass destruction.
Women have the right to expect a fair deal in the labor market.
The deal, the largest in the chipmaker's history, also represents a risky and unconventional bet by Intel following a series of failed attempts to diversify away from its core PC market in the past.
这宗交易是英特尔历史上规模最大的交易,也是该公司做出的一次高风险、非常规的押注。 此前,英特尔曾进行过一系列多元化尝试,试图把业务拓展到其核心的个人电脑市场之外,但都以失败告终。
This can be used in coffee machine conversation very easily – it just refers to a deal you've made where the company (or yourself) has paid a price that is above the normal market price.
Thus the commercial banks in our country should establish a suitable FTP system in order to deal with the increasing risk of the interest rates in the market.
Thus the commercial banks in our country should establish a suitable FTP system in order to deal with the increasing risk of the interest rates in the market.