He shifted into low gear. The two vehicles began to decelerate.
Economic activity is set to decelerate over the next 12 months.
To modern women depend on a cosmetics to decelerate aging progress is absurd.
Sociologists are trying to adopt an approach to decelerate the growth of population.
Excluding food and energy, inflation is expected to decelerate sharply, but remain positive.
After growing strongly in the past two years, corporate earnings growth is likely to decelerate in the future.
An extension beyond the end of the runway which may be used to decelerate the airplane in case of an aborted takeoff.
As you reach about 90 percent of your top speed, relax and allow your body to decelerate. Jog for a minute or two, and then repeat another four or five times.
当你达到你90%的速度时,开始放松和减速,慢跑1 -2分钟,然后再进行4- 5组。
In addition, muscle groups in the throat and neck may be contracted or relaxed to decelerate or accelerate forced airflow created by the respiratory muscles.
The tests validate that applying braking to decelerate the vehicle within driver's response time will definitely be helpful for removing the danger of tire blow-o…
Most businesses appeared to enjoy relatively good access to credit, but heightened uncertainty about economic prospects could lead business spending to decelerate as well.
The basic requirement for the brake system for motorcycles is to decelerate the speed sufficiently and increase the running stability by simple maneuvers during the braking period.
Mr Martins' figures indicate that growth in steel imports by China, expected this year to be 20 per cent ahead of 2005, will begin to decelerate and hit a rate of just 5 per cent in 2010.
Alternatively Icarus could use an extremely large magnetic sail to help decelerate, once within reach of the target star's solar wind or magnetosphere.
"You're going to be going at a pretty good clip," Schmidt says, and the ship could maybe swing through the stars' gravity Wells in a kind of reverse slingshot effect to help decelerate.
In a second test the car was trained to recognise four patterns, enabling the driver to accelerate or decelerate the vehicle.
When we're driving, we use similar sorts of rules: we decelerate when someone's in front of us, and accelerate if there's someone about to bump into you from behind.
Global growth in 2004 is also strong at 4.0 percent, and the report forecasts that it will decelerate to 3.2 percent in 2005, and 2006.
2004年的全球增长率也很强劲,为4 %,报告预测2005年和2006年会放缓至3.2%。
The thing you don't want to attempt is a long over-gliding stroke with a two beat kick as you simply decelerate far too much between strokes.
In many applications, under the circumstances of different target distances, more than one step motor are required to start, accelerate, high speed, decelerate, brake to stop simultaneously.
In Freeway off-ramp areas, vehicles driving to ramp often can not decelerate sufficiently, and will lead to front-rear accidents.
The main parameter that decelerates a machine include: input power, decelerate a ratio and input to turn soon, wheel gear parameter etc.
The spacecraft begins decelerate flight, before too long, they want to be long over the moon.
This lets you easily make the particles accelerate or decelerate exactly how you want them to.
Brakes of casting reels has two major objectives, 1 to set the maximum spool speed and the lure speed just after line released, and 2 to control the decelerate rate to prevent birds nest.
Key game with about change direction arrow keys to accelerate and decelerate the space bar to jump.
Key game with about change direction arrow keys to accelerate and decelerate the space bar to jump.