The driver will use a telephone to dial instructions about his destination into the system.
Like many other developers with a history in telecom, I learned that when you build a telephone switch, regulations say it must provide dial tone in 40ms, a difficult requirement to achieve.
To use a Dial-up connection, you need a hardware device to convert computer signals to telephone signals and back a gain.
Love is a telephone which is sometimes so sensitive that you are put through by a single dial and responded to as soon as you say "hello".
If you want to make an outside call, please dial "o" first. There is a telephone directory on the writing desk. You may read it.
Intelligent telephone terminal is a multifunctional device that can record messages, automatically answer calls, manage personal information and connect to the Internet via dial - up line.
The little telephone that so charmingly told us how to dial on that first day long ago is now a barrier to quick communication.
When using the visitors'entrance to the Ministry of Magic, you step into a disused telephone box and dial 62442. These numbers, on a telephone keypad, correspond to the letters M-A-G-I-C.
When using the visitors'entrance to the Ministry of Magic, you step into a disused telephone box and dial 62442. These numbers, on a telephone keypad, correspond to the letters M-A-G-I-C.