For example, your working memory remembers unfamiliar phone Numbers for as long as it takes you to dial the phone.
Love a person is to dial the phone, suddenly do not know what to say, just want to hear the familiar voice, but really want to listen to the heart of a string!
The same features available on the iPhone are available from Firefox, except for features provided by the iPhone such as the ability to dial the phone number in a contact entry.
She picked up the phone, and began to dial Maurice's number.
Simply dial a code into your phone and wait for the driverless car to arrive at a nearby station.
It activates only one button: Press the F1 button and the phone begins to dial.
它只激活一个按钮:按下f 1按钮,电话就开始拨号。
I turned the dial up into the phone portion of the band on my ham radio in order to listen to a Saturday morning swap net.
Samuel holds the phone to his ear till the dial tone goes busy.
Excepting it's huge, it looks like an old phone and you need to dial "117" to hear the time in Japanese. You can watch the video in source to understand better what are we talking about.
Ang said that the trick to speedy text messaging was to use a mobile phone with larger keys on the dial pad.
You can even set a number to dial when you shake the phone in the event you can't press the button yourself.
However, PC to Phone does also work on dial-up Internet connections (the way I access the Internet).
She said that even if she hadn't dropped the phone, she may have struggled to dial the number in the heat of the moment.
Andy was just about to dial Shelly's number when the phone rang.
The phone also includes nine speed dial options (eight entries plus one voicemail) and support for caller groups as well as designating a specific ringtone to a contact.
You just simply dial an access number from your cell phone, then you can place your international calls to anywhere in the world with our super low international rates.
He took out his mobile phone to dial the number of girls, girls did not take, or not dial access.
Can you tell me how to set up the speed dial on my cell phone?
After typing each one, they rated how pleasant it had been to dial the number on the phone.
There is no dial tone. Make sure your phone line is properly connected to the modem.
She picked up the phone, and began to dial Maurice Campbell's number.
Love a person is dial the phone all of a sudden do not know what to say, became aware of just want to hear her familiar voice, the original really want to dial, only a chord in their mind.
No dial tone. Make sure the modem is correctly connected to the computer and phone line.
When the system makes sure they are abnormal, it will dial out the setting telephone saved in EEPROM, waiting for the other end to pick up phone and then will send the tone alarm out.
Connect the RS232 output directly to the serial port on your PC or Laptop, or by dial-up connection through modems and phone lines.
Sometimes I picked up the phone and wanted to dial out that familiar with the number, but wake up or think should not do that.
Quaking with fear, she reached for the phone to dial 110.
Quaking with fear, she reached for the phone to dial 110.