ASEAN argues that its own charter obliges members to consult, as they do before each working group on the code of conduct, the next one of which is due soon.
If we do not wish to see a complete collapse of the dollar, the Fed needs to be subject to a strict audit of its actions, if not an outright abolition of its charter.
B: Yes, every bank must have a charter or license to do business.
Jim Stergios of The Pioneer Institute, a Boston-based think-tank, is happy to see more charter schools, but worries Mr Patrick's proposals do not go far enough.
波士顿智库- - -先锋研究所的吉姆斯得吉尔斯很高兴看到有越来越多的特许学校建立,同时,他也担心帕特里克先生的计划不能走的长远。
As a public charter school, Yu Ying doesn't charge any fees, though parents do have to apply to send their kids.
Charter schools get public money but do not have to follow the same rules as traditional public schools.
Yes, every E bank must have a charter or license to do business . But we have a dual banking system here in the United States.
Yes, every % bank must have a charter or license to do business. But we have a dual banking system here in the United States.
Yes, every o bank must have a charter or license to do business. But we have a dual banking system here in the United States.
What if I do not know if my charter will be awarded in time to attend a ceremony?
Collaboration: Do team members cooperate to accomplish the team charter?
The latter are purely vessel owners who charter their ships to carriers, but do not themselves engage in liner transport services.
In dragon hillock area, 3 come to one filling enterprise do business year of careful of charter during be to be in when?
In dragon hillock area, 3 come to one filling enterprise do business year of careful of charter during be to be in when?