Water is thought to be crucial for life because it provides a medium for nutrients to diffuse into cells and wastes to drift out, and a solvent for critical metabolic reactions.
That's important because consumers are likely to drift away if conversations Peter out or if they feel that their voices are lost in a chaotic flood of comments.
That does not rule out a gradual drift to infertility as an additional explanation, but makes it possible that infertility is a consequence, rather than a cause of speciation.
How are you going to make use of your most creative time if it turns out to be while you're commuting, during your workout, or as you drift off to sleep.
If you really want to get into the spirit of things you'll pull out some of the old music and movies and allow yourself to drift back as you browse through the articles.
Stroker's eyes drift to the ceiling; he knows there was only one way out of that room.
Pitchford points out several form faults: "You want to keep your back straight and not allow the knee to drift forward ahead of the stance leg.
Pitchford指出许多种错误动作: “你应该保持背部挺直,膝盖不应该向前超过支撑腿。
If clouds are beings, and beings are clouds, are we not all well advised to drift, to feel the wind tucking us in here and plucking us out there?
Dinky cars look good on the floor, but when you get out on the streets with the real thing there are always adjustments to be made, especially when the bus tends to drift.
Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world.
Ueno's Series 3 BMW drift car was in the pits but never made it out to the track.
Do you really want to go out to drift with me?
The dress floats out to an extravagant drift of yardage at the hem.
If clouds are beings, and beings are clouds, are we not all well advised to drift, to feel the wind tucking us in here and plucking us out there?
Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea.
As he talked along, softly, pleasantly, flowingly, he seemed to drift away imperceptibly out of this world and time, and into some remote era and old forgotten country.
When I've seen him recently he has tended to drift in from the right wing, but he needs to stay out wide and really get at his defender.
Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guilding the dead on their return journey to the other world.
If clouds are beings, and beings are clouds, are we not all well advised to drift, to feel the wind tucking us in here and plucking us out there? Are we such rock-hard bodily lumps as we imagine?
It can occur with tyre injudicial controlling, if the ABS system controls tyre drift-out, Anti-slip Regulation control driving wheel sliding and engine controlling retarding to torque.
But I was casually have chosen very sluggishly the day which these completely ignoranted, sent out in this is despairing in the smell life to drift about has lost the direction.
From here, you can make out an awesome cylindrical tower - with the right car, it's possible to drift all the way to the top of this tower and back again.
To overcome the difficulty of unstability of orebody and surrounding rock, the test of flat-back cut-and-fill drift mining is carried out.
I strained to see what I thought was something pink, miraculously peeking out of a drift.
And yet... was it a mirage? I strained to see what I thought was something pink, miraculously peeking out of a drift.
And because our natural rhythms are sometimes out of tune with the 24-hour clock, you may find that your sleep times begin to drift.
And because our natural rhythms are sometimes out of tune with the 24-hour clock, you may find that your sleep times begin to drift.