I feel terrible—I think I'll go to bed.
"I feel terrible about this," I say to Elaine.
Simply venting your frustration only encourages you to focus more on how terrible you feel.
Eating fast food will make you feel terrible, and will make you want to have an afternoon nap at your desk.
They come to think, I \ 'm going to act exactly how I feel - and I feel terrible.
No. 15, a strikingly tall man with side-swept bangs, says: "I want to get married for my parents, but I think lying to them will make me feel terrible.
To some parents, the news that you're having a baby will feel like a terrible crisis.
I feel terrible for not being able to protect Arnold the way he trusted me to.
We did our best to support her as she slipped, alone, into that "undiscovered country"; trying to make her feel that, however terrible the parting, she was surrounded by our love.
"Upward comparison can be punishing and make you feel terrible," she said. "But you can also look upward to learn."
"We feel that there is a certain moral necessity to make known the terrible facts," a missionary, Miner Searle Bates, wrote.
“我们觉得应该让人们知道这个悲惨的事实,这绝对是道义上的需要”一位委员会的成员Miner Searle Bates这样写道。
When bad things happen, you temporarily feel terrible, because you've gotten used to being happy.
I feel that something terrible is about to happen.
Exercise makes me feel terrible. Even when I shower, I get to my next class wet, and probably smelling like a locker room.
When you are angry and feel you want to do something terrible, start breathing through your left nostril.
Don't know what I would have to feel, do not know whether to believe everything I said, but I always believe that if you have such a feeling, also does not like people to say so terrible, so tired.
Began to meet new words be very much, I feel terrible, but must insist, met all the words, not to write down all comprehension.
More terrible than the trouble is that, we believe that you do not, then we will feel at ease ground to doing nothing.
Tom: thanks, but it is really not an excuse... I want you to know that I feel so terrible for letting you down.
Feifei: : I feel terrible today - I've got a headache, feel really tired... I think I'm developing flu. I'm going to take these paracetamol tablets.
I feel terrible, but I've just broken your vase. Can I make this up to you?
I am certain that something terrible will happen to Barbara very soon. I can't explain why, I just feel it in my bones.
An: Yes I do. And I just told the most terrible one to the man I' m about to marry. Do you feel that any lie is a betrayal?
I'm not used to eating cold food, so I feel it terrible to live in England.
Now I need to tell you that I feel terrible about what happened to Vincent at the picnic the other day... and I know some of you feel badly, too.
Suppose I'm having a terrible hair day, and to not feel that shame, I cancel a meeting with a client. Just thinking about that client brings on a pang of shame.
Suppose I'm having a terrible hair day, and to not feel that shame, I cancel a meeting with a client. Just thinking about that client brings on a pang of shame.