More and more people, especially females, are beginning to go on diet.
It feels like a person taking 4 pieces of bread asking the person who got the first piece of bread to go on diet.
Many people have come to realize that they should go on a balanced diet and make room in their day for exercise.
Many young ladies choose go on a diet, but in fact, they have no need to worry about their weight.
Nowadays weight-losing has become popular among young women. In order to make themselves pretty-looking, some of them choose to go on a diet.
You may find that when people understand the dangers of excessively using plastic, and what it is doing to our environment, they may go on the 30 day plastic bag diet themselves!
When we go on a starvation diet to reduce our calorie intake, we not only destroy muscle tissue but also actually slow our metabolic rate.
If you have the mentality of "I need to go on a diet," stop it. Diets don't work, only lifestyle changes do.
Thus, they were never required to go on a diet or count calories -- they simply followed the same diet as their parents. Approx.
Gaining some weight is part of developing into a woman, and it's unhealthy for girls to go on a diet to try to stop this normal weight gain.
Thus, they were never required to go on a diet or count calories — they simply followed the same diet as their parents.
As summer closes in, the number of people who are eager to go on a diet increases drastically, but in three months most of them give up this idea, for they notice no measurable results.
The idea of "going on a diet" to lose weight implies that eventually, you will "go off" the diet and return to your old eating habits.
In order to make themselves pretty-looking, they try many different ways of losing weight. Some go on a diet, some take exercise, some eat medicine, others even turn to operation for help.
If an organization, pardon the term, is constipated, it might need to decide to go on a different diet before it tries to apply social media anywhere.
For women who are obese and already pregnant, GPs and midwives should advise them about eating a healthy diet and keeping active, but should not advise them to go on a weight-loss diet.
He suggested the king go on a diet to reduce some weight.
You’ll see in the exercise section that I’m asking you to go on a kind of a diet today. A diet that allows you to taste stillness, instead ofbusiness.
We then go back to eating normally again and end up putting on weight again and being fatter than we were before our "brilliant" diet or "cleanse".
You'll see in the exercise section that I'm asking you to go on a kind of a diet today. A diet that allows you to taste stillness, instead ofbusiness.
So when you go back to a normal diet you will start putting on more weight (unwanted fat) do to a lowered metabolic rate which your muscle that you lost once helped boost up.
The compound is expected to go on sale in the U.S. this summer, with the first products to contain it likely to include diet drinks.
To make myself look pretty again, I decide to go on a diet.
I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise.
It seems to me you should go on a diet.
If you are praying to lose weight, then go on a diet and workout.
If you are praying to lose weight, then go on a diet and workout.