Try not to use food as a reward.Instead, treat yourself to non-food rewards, such as new running gear or a massage when you reach a running goal.
We should not be surprised that improved maternal health is such a difficult goal to reach.
Try not to use food as a reward. Instead, treat yourself to non-food rewards, such as new running gear or a massage when you reach a running goal.
Early in the second year, however, it became apparent that Fram would not reach the Pole. To achieve his goal, Nansen would have to get out on the ice with sleds and dogs and make a dash for it.
Failure doesn't lie in not reaching your goal, but in not having a goal to reach.
Why must one sacrifice two-thirds of their life working in a career they do not love to reach a monetary goal, then discover that money is not the answer to life's questions?
In each pose you do, remember that the goal is not to reach a mythical day when your spine will be absolutely straight, but to find a place where there is ease in your body.
Of course, it is not too low, not through hard work can achieve, this to be the quality of low gold content, quality assurance is difficult for a long time, can't reach the expected goal.
You are tempted to take the easy way out today if you don't see the justification in working so hard to reach a goal that is unrealistic and may not even be that important to you.
The man who aims high may not reach his goal but he will get a lot nearer to it than the man who aims low or shoots without aiming at all.
Leader Must be able to Strategize: successful leaders not only have a great vision, but they are able to develop a plan to reach their goal successfully.
Whether or not you reach your goal times depends on talent and luck to a degree, but smart training will take you much farther than bashing your body day after day.
The most important is not whether we can reach the peak but whether we have made the greatest efforts-to reach the goal in the mind is a success.
A leader Must be able to Strategize: successful leaders not only have a great vision, but they are able to develop a plan to reach their goal successfully.
It is not a difficult thing for anyone to set a goal. The tough part is to know how to pursue and reach it.
It is not a difficult thing for anyone to set a goal. The tough part is to know how to pursue and reach it.