I intend to pay a solemn call of thanks upon you.
If you can't pay, thanks to mobile technology, your family is only a call away.
Once you leave us, you'll have a better chance for a good job and a way to pay off your debt and to give us more money when we call on you as alumni.
Unless, of course, it costs your significant other 31 cents a minute to call your international cell phone, in which case you must ask him to call you on a pay phone down the street.
Pay attention to these signs and the next time you hear "I'll call you" after a date, you won't have to wonder.
You want to pay yourself or make a collect call?
If you would like the person you are calling to pay the charges, that is, if the person agrees, tell the operator that you want to make a "collect call".
Economists call this phenomenon "consumer surplus" - the excess value of a good beyond the actual price a consumer pays; what you would have been willing to pay, in other words, if you had to.
Come, won't one of you gentlemen like to come with me to pay them a call in their camp?
Then it occurs to you that you may sign a 50-year lease agreement with a potential house seller, pay the rent all at once and then just move in. This is what we call VIE.
Many cellphone plans don't include free text messaging, and since you pay a monthly fee no matter how few calls you make, it's easier just to make the phone call.
There was a time when the best compliment you could pay someone was to call him or her a gentle person.
Only need to call you a 100% efforts and I will pay for your services!
Third, if the purchase of two or more goods, if you are overweight is not only to pay a freight, please call your request to amend;
Third, if the purchase of two or more goods, if you are overweight is not only to pay a freight, please call your request to amend;