Fossils are often washed together on-site in a large bath which can allow water and contaminants in the form of contemporary DNA to permeate into the porous bones.
Then it began to permeate and change that society.
After a while it begins to permeate through your skin.
Its mission is to permeate, season, and purify things on earth.
Leave it for about a week to allow the scent to permeate the papers.
The significance of this decision has yet to permeate the public consciousness.
This attitude needs to permeate the organization for knowledge management to succeed.
Ask God to permeate you with His truth so that you find falsehood, in any form, abhorrent.
Q: How long does it usually take for global policy changes to permeate to action at community level?
Due to shale being difficult to permeate, the exploration process is highly technology-dependent.
Next, the field is switched off, allowing actual cosmic rays to permeate the chamber for a while.
It is new to permeate college humanistic quality education into modem Chinese classroom teaching.
This grid is generally glazed to allow light to permeate enforcing the geometry of the low slung roof.
The change in unity and the coming together of energies will begin to permeate all things in your life.
Willing to permeate into the team so as to create a coordinative, learning and active working atmosphere.
Most commercially grown and installed turf types are close-matted, so it takes awhile for water to permeate.
That cold wind is penetrating clothes to permeate your body, lets you feel the winter initially the dignity.
Here we show that a new method increases the solubility of probucol in water and its ability to permeate cell membranes.
The family affection, the family expectations, seemed to permeate the atmosphere. like a coiling miasma(Louis Auchincloss)
Coconut contains 90% saturated fat, mostly MCTs. MCTs allows them to permeate cells more easily than other fats for more immediate benefits.
Electronic music is becoming an important tendency to permeate into every field in social society with its charming and interactive position.
As such, the house takes on an L-shaped plan that wraps around private courtyards at the front and back to allow light to permeate both floors.
The second part is a knowledge to explain to permeate the technology education in the senior high school language teaching ability important point.
Make up water in the skin, then put on the table water evaporated quickly, root wood don't have time to let the nutrient to permeate to the layer of skin.
Under normal circumstances, each of your brain cells allows various substances, such as sodium, calcium and potassium to permeate its outer cell membrane.
数以百万计的脑细胞不断地让这些物质穿过细胞膜,之后又将它们排放出去。 所有的这些过程都能帮助大脑处理和传输信息。
The drifts melted, and trickles of water began to permeate the soil, gathering in depressions to form bright little streams which ran happily towards the great river.
The main living space has an open plan with 16 'high ceilings and a soaring roof that "floats" on three sides allowing natural light to permeate deep within the space.
These new genes provided replication advantages that allowed the hybrid to permeate densely packed pig farms whose inhabitants were routinely shipped across the United States.
These new genes provided replication advantages that allowed the hybrid to permeate densely packed pig farms whose inhabitants were routinely shipped across the United States.