We should bethink ourselves of the necessity to raise more funds.
An outright sale of AIA to Prudential could enable AIG to raise more funds than by listing a stake in the unit.
Despite the market's wobbliness, many more companies still hope to raise funds.
Members of Congress have been spending more time in their home districts than in Washington because of the need to raise funds to cover burgeoning campaign costs.
Greece is struggling to raise funds, but so is California, which accounts for a far bigger share of America's output (one-eighth) than Greece does of the euro zone's (a bit more than one-fortieth).
But unless the rules can be changed to allow the legislature more leeway to raise funds, the recovery may be more painful than the recession.
Despite not raising new capital for more than two years, Mr Chew said "we don't need to" raise more funds.
Bulb turbine hydropower station has a lot of advantages, such as less project loads, shorter construction period, less submergence, easily to raise funds, so people now concern it more and more.
Meanwhile, Mr. Mack was trying to raise more capital from an outside investor, even though the firm says it doesn't need to raise new funds until mid-2009.
Meanwhile, Mr. Mack was trying to raise more capital from an outside investor, even though the firm says it doesn't need to raise new funds until mid-2009.