We could not afford to raise salaries or provide subsidies for everybody.
A couple of encouraging findings: 42% of nonprofits plan to raise salaries across the board this year, with pay hikes averaging 4.5% versus 3.3% in 2010.
But our engineers work in a three-star hotel, not very flashy, not on the spotlight, and I only promised them to raise their salaries twice a year.
PT campaigned on a pledge to raise the minimum wage to the equivalent of $10 a day and to double salaries for new civil servants.
The second benefit, according to analysis done by the Joint Committee on Taxation, another non-partisan outfit, is that it will lift salaries for many Americans and raise tax revenues.
It is impossible to raise public-sector salaries to the levels of the private sector (even if bankers' wages fall).
Toledo campaigned largely on a populist platform. He has pledged to create 2.5 million jobs, raise salaries for public workers and lower taxes.
Owning to his excellence performance in the work, the company decided to raise his salaries and position.
Owning to his excellence performance in the work, the company decided to raise his salaries and position.