This has the advantage of enabling the assembler to refer to services in the SCA domain by a logical name, requiring no specific binding configuration, and is therefore easier to use.
If more information is required, refer to the manual of your application server, or to the readme file included in the Universal Services download package.
Strictly speaking, it is not correct to refer to proxy mode services as deployments of existing services; there is no explicit reference to the ultimate receiver when a proxy mode service is set up.
The best way to make money online is to actually promote items or services you believe in, have tried and are interested in, and would be proud to refer to a friend.
Readers are encouraged to refer to upcoming web services standards in this space: web services — Coordination (WS-C) and web services — Transaction (WS-T) from OASIS.
读者们可参考此空间中即将上传的Web服务标准:Web服务协作(WS - C)和OASISWeb服务事务(WS - T)。
The last step is to require users to authenticate whenever they refer to Web pages, WSDLs and Web Services in our Web application.
最后一步是,每当用户引用我们Web 应用程序中的 Web页面、WSDL和 Web服务时,就要求用户进行认证。
Part 1 shows you how to use WS-Resources to refer to Derby data and structures from within the inherently stateless environment of Web services.
第1部分向您展示了如何使用WS -resources从web服务的固有的无状态环境里引用Derby数据和结构。
Part 1 showed you how to use WS-Resources to refer to Derby data and structures from within the inherently stateless environment of Web services.
第 1部分 向您展示了如何使用 WS-Resources从Web服务的固有的无状态环境里引用Derby数据和结构。
If any further information is needed on how to set up a data source, refer to the manual of your application server or read the readme file included in the Universal Services download package.
For detailed information, refer to the "Access to applications and components" topic in the IBM Workplace Services Express InfoCenter.
有关详细信息,请参考ibmWorkplaceServicesExpress InfoCenter中的“Accesstoapplicationsandcomponents”主题。
Figure 1 shows a JSF mashup - I'll refer to it as the places application - that USES Yahoo! Web services to convert addresses into maps with zoom levels and weather forecasts.
图1展示了一个JSFmashup—我将它称为places应用程序—它使用Yahoo !
Did a friend refer you to us? How did you happen to know about our services?
Our consulting services also refer to system integrators and end-users informing them how to use and integrate safety related products into their safety instrumented systems and applications.
Article 21 the suppliers refer to the legal persons, other organizations or natural persons that provide goods, construction or services to the procuring entities.
How likely are you to refer or recommend LEGO products and services to friends and family?
The term "Internet" is often used to refer to refer to the entity of various services available via the Internet.
CPA may refer to this rule when performing other services related to price estimation, issuing Value Analysis Report or other professional opinions.
Article 4 The commercial banking services herein refer to various toll banking services in home currency and foreign currencies that are provided to customers by commercial banks.
"Spot guides" refer to those personnel who are appointed or engaged by tourist agencies to provide tourist services for those tourists who make a tour within the confines of a certain scenic spot.
"Spot guides" refer to those personnel who are appointed or engaged by tourist agencies to provide tourist services for those tourists who make a tour within the confines of a certain scenic spot.