It wasn't a very good dinner, to say the least of it.
Whosoever recites this Samantabhadra's aspirations, he would have, to say the least of his potential good roots, consummated, in just a flash of thought, the serene aspirations of all sentient beings.
76% of consumers who plan to buy holiday gifts say that they will spend money or buy at least one technology product in the following holiday.
It's probably safe to say that at least a few historians will one day speak of the 20th century as America's "Disney era".
Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
Rumors say bank regulators want the big Banks to have ratios of at least 13%.
When you have the proof to say that "the project failed because we didn't have the right requirements," your victory is hollow, and no one, least of all your customers, actually wins.
But along the way he also picked up a reputation as something of an unpredictable interview subject, to say the least.
For example, blacks, Hispanics and women are significantly more likely than whites and men to say major conflicts exist between groups in at least three of the four areas tested in the survey.
It is the principle which counts, particularly at a time when the public's trust of Whitehall is uncertain to say the least.
Optimists say that at least 70% of the scrappage purchases were incremental sales made to people who would not normally have bought a new car.
So the problem here, roughly, is given, a number of cities, and say the cost of traveling from city to city by airplane, what's the least cost round trip that you can find?
At least, that's true for all developers lucky enough to work jobs where they have a say in the design of their software.
And in this case we're going to look at silicone, and we'll say if you can point out to me which requires the least amount of energy.
The politics of ramping up lending rates to taxpayers is sensitive, to say the least.
It is fair to say that the original intention of JBI, to provide a standards based architecture for integration solutions, has not been met. Or at least if it was met, the industry has ignored it.
It's difficult to say which company or platform will most successfully bring the mobile wallet to the masses but it's at least very clear that the days of plastic credit CARDS are numbered.
Most owners of restored Shanghai houses say the process is worth the effort, not least because it allows them to create specialised, modern interiors in architecturally important buildings.
Hugh Rodham was a gruff, tough-talking Republican who, to say the least, was suspicious of me.
After an hour, the doctor returned to say he’d consulted with neurosurgeons at Emory University Hospital. A concussion, it seemed, was the least of Cameron’s problems.
The findings add urgency in the push for parents to put away their cigarettes for good, or at least smoke outside of the home, researchers say.
Bringing about a wholesale change in America's energy supply will be a challenge, to say the least. And the sort of measures that are currently finding favour in Washington will make it harder still.
Do's and Don 'ts of social Media for Business - They say common sense is the least common thing and by the looking at the behavior of many brands on the social web, it's easy to agree.
Specifically, I believe that the example above, with the display of three lines of the same operated flight (BA302), is slightly odd to say the least.
But at least we can look of the slope of the curve and say, ok, at least in the dilute solution case for a little while it's going to be linear.
But that's the least of it: the policy center's estimates say that the majority of the tax cuts would go to the richest one-tenth of 1 percent.
But that's the least of it: the policy center's estimates say that the majority of the tax cuts would go to the richest one-tenth of 1 percent.