The object of experience exists only to serve the purpose of the Atman.
Therefore, all possible means, linguistic or non-linguistic, have been adopted by advertisers to serve the purpose of advertising.
"It's going to serve the purpose of keeping out the elements, but it's also going to generate power for you," Global Solar's Britt says.
May through the change habits and customs, the control diet, strengthen the movement to serve the purpose which the control blood drills.
The Bank may accept Special Funds which are designed to serve the purpose and come within the functions of the Bank; such Special Funds shall be resources of the Bank.
For colubrids, the venom must serve some other purpose, maybe linked to digesting prey.
Presumably, the reason is to serve some larger public purpose.
If it does so to preserve an undervalued currency, that's bad, but if the currency is appreciating maybe capital controls can serve that safety valve purpose mentioned above.
You’re going to see this reflected in your own life too, as you grapple with the challenge of how to serve some greater life purpose while also making sure your individual needs are satisfied.
Modularity allows one activity to be substituted for another one when the two activities serve the same purpose.
Our purpose is to serve the country, serve people, and give people peace and happiness. It is not to serve a King, and allow the King to judge us.
After EJB 2, the entity "home" could be used to serve the same purpose — eliminating the need for the extra session bean component in cases where there is an entity that represents the user role.
The purpose of creating a website is to serve your visitors with the information that they need and thereby transforming them from visitors to customers.
My life purpose is to love Christ, grow in Christ, share Christ, and serve Christ through his church, and to lead my family and others to do the same.
This means that their business targets pretty much everyone, from home computer owners to developers and enterprises; which in turn stretches the purpose of their website to try and serve everyone .
Their play, and ours, appears to serve no other purpose than to give pleasure to the players, and apparently, to remove us temporarily from the anguish of life in earnest.
他们的玩耍,同我们的 一样,似乎并没有别的目的而只是给游戏者以愉悦,暂时把我们从严肃生活的痛苦中拉出来。
"I like going to the theatre" could also serve that purpose, but only if men respond honestly, instead of, like you, saying, "yeah whatever, I like that, too" then hoping to get lucky.
While developing awareness about the purpose of our life, while focusing on the purpose that inspires us most, we have to learn to remain humble to serve the greater cause of humanity.
At least in the near term there is plenty of LNG because capacity originally intended to serve America is no longer needed for that purpose.
Moreover, it appeared to them that dreams must serve a special purpose in respect of the dreamer; that, as a rule, they predicted the future.
Application frameworks serve the purpose of encapsulating the architectural mechanism contracts and common functions for applications that leverage them to realize a set of business objectives.
However, keeping the two isolated does not serve any useful purpose. It also suggests adding a layer of indirection to join and mediate between presentation and business logic layers.
The only purpose for this class is to serve as a target class to apply intercepting filter chain representing individual activities.
If the HTML contains regular structures that can be easily modified, such as elements that serve no real purpose, you might find it easier to update them before the conversion.
I have to admit that most of these discussions tend to fall into the same old rut - "anything you can do I can do better" - which doesn't serve any good purpose.
These rules certainly serve a purpose – I’m not suggesting *you* throw your toys out of the pram if you don’t get your own way – but rather to worry less about what other people think of you.
Survey or original research results can serve the same purpose, if they turn out to be useful for the target audience.
Successful design incorporates the use of the principles and elements to serve the designer's purpose and visual goals.
Successful design incorporates the use of the principles and elements to serve the designer's purpose and visual goals.