As the message moves through the processing pipeline, it may be transformed, routed to other channels, split up, responded to, or aborted and sent on a dead message channel, all inside the bus.
I was one of those kids, and I remember rather vividly walking through the hall way of my high school having people split me, call me names, threaten to beat me up.
Women's advocates insist that they are trying not to split up families, but rather to keep them together through intervention, mediation and counseling.
She picked up a large split-oak basket and started down the back stairs, each step jouncing her head until her spine seemed to be trying to crash through the top of her skull.
Users may not scroll through lengthy pages. - In general, limit the length of a web page to two screens. - Split up long pages into several pages.
Instead of asking a bank to buy a large block of shares and then split it up, an investor can use algorithmic trading software to fragment its order and distribute it through public markets.
Users may not scroll through lengthy pages. - in general, limit the length of a web page to two screens. - Split up long pages into several pages.
Users may not scroll through lengthy pages. - in general, limit the length of a web page to two screens. - Split up long pages into several pages.