After all, if everyone you know is going to college in the fall, it seems silly to stay back a year, doesn't it?
Now, after a painful six-year absence, they are back at the top - and hoping to stay for longer.
I didn't have a place to stay, because until the end of summer I hadn't thought I was coming back, and we got guaranteed rooms in college only the first year.
Li shares a dorm room with seven other girls and plans to stay on for another year. After that she hopes to open a small business back home, a beauty salon perhaps.
A judge has ruled the father of a 5-year-old Cuban girl did not abandon or neglect her, so he should get her back. Florida officials want child to stay with her American foster parents.
His manager definitely wants the 23-year-old to stay and is taking Reyes' quotes from back home with a pinch of salt.
His manager definitely wants the 23-year-old to stay and is taking Reyes' quotes from back home with a pinch of salt.