First you got to Shuguang Supermarket, then take the lift to the 8th floor.
But when it wants to blend in with its environment to hide from its enemies, it can take on the color of its immediate surroundings: the ocean floor, a rock, a piece of coral, whatever.
The French navy has built an abyssal bathyscaphe to take three men to the floor of the Marianas Trench.
While traveling to a newly logged area to burn slash piles I wanted to take a picture of the forest floor.
The shirt may be on sale, but you’ll pay much more for cleaning costs, not to mention how long it will sit on the floor of the closet before you take a trip to the cleaners.
别看你现在打特价,到时候伺候你还不知道要费我多少银子呢。 再说了,这么名贵的衣服只适合压箱底,送进洗衣店前我肯定舍不得穿。
One night, Ed had to take the elevator to the sixth floor to get records. As the elevator door opened, there was a man standing right in front of him staring at him.
When you are ready to exercise, you can even get a special type of stroller to take your baby jogging or lie on the floor next to your baby to do crunches and push-ups.
It is estimated that it will take 12 minutes by elevators to travel to the topmost floor.
To take advantage of the free land in Marne, applicants need only to submit a proposed floor plan for the house they want to build.
While traveling to a newly logged area to burn slash piles I wanted to take a picture of the forest floor. The trees had been thinned to increase aspen tree regeneration.
The beige dunes stretching to the north begin to take on a pink hue, and the shadows from the steep ridges to the southwest are spreading across the valley floor.
As diatoms have shells made of silica they are protected from copepods and so are more likely to die without being eaten and thus take take their carbon to the ocean floor.
Hugs ensue, then a prayer, and then fathers and daughters take to the floor to the strains of "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?"
Here's your key to room on the floor. The bell boy will take you to your room.
According to the white-bearded old point that the way to the top of the tower construction, to take soil layers stocking in the top of cast iron approach, Thirteen Floor tower will be built soon.
Each participant will take an opportunity to dominate the floor for lengthy periods without appearing to say very much of anything that actually contributes to the meeting.
Today, parents have to take me to the ground floor of the long river of Lanxi play.
Perhaps the subdued decor is intended to take a back seat to the the views, which include vistas of southern Central Park from two sides of the 39th floor.
He tossed his backpack onto a chair, which made it target, then decided to let gravity take it down to the floor.
And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasant duty to ask our distinguished guest speaker to take the floor.
I take them up to the sixth floor once a week, to meet with the patients in rehab.
I made the mistake of leaning over an open cask to take a connoisseur's sniff, and very nearly fell backward off the platform to the floor ten feet below. It felt like a noseful of needles.
When you have the floor, you'll want to take full advantage of the opportunity to show that you've done your homework and to determine if the job is a good fit.
Then, he started to take a cloth to clean up water on the floor.
Then, he started to take a cloth to clean up water on the floor.