This will make it even harder for car designers to persuade those driving electrically to trade in their rustless, tough-as-old-boots vehicles for a new model.
A fall in residual value also decreases the amount of money consumers get at trade-in or when they try to resell a used car.
He wants to trade in his Maruti-Suzuki car for a grander model made by Honda.
My mom is 70 years old, and she wants to trade in her old car for a new one.
Informed shoppers with well-maintained cars to trade in have an unusual opportunity to take advantage of what industry analysts say is a record peak in used-car prices.
Personally I expected BMW to give a higher trade-in amount considering that luxury marques usually offer a higher quote for a customer's used car.
Personally I expected BMW to give a higher trade-in amount considering that luxury marques usually offer a higher quote for a customer's used car.