This inspired his team to vaccinate their kids.
Boser has to vaccinate her foxes against various diseases.
They refused to vaccinate their own children.
Health workers say it is important to vaccinate all children in a community.
At home it began a program to vaccinate children against infectious childhood diseases.
Fortunately, in recent years most American egg producers have started to vaccinate their flocks.
In fact, other researchers have used the empty viral shell to vaccinate monkeys, and even humans.
If sow herd is vaccinated, especially pre-farrowing, then it is even more important to vaccinate pigs later.
That time can be difficult to determine, and there are many conflicting opinions regarding the most appropriate time to vaccinate.
The Asian Research Partnership on Pandemic Influenza will study issues such as whether to vaccinate poultry in the wake of a bird flu outbreak.
Fortunately, in recent years most American egg producers have started to vaccinate their flocks. All companies should accelerate their efforts.
According to ACOG, flu vaccination should be a routine part of prenatal care, and the ideal time to vaccinate pregnant women is October and November.
The recent controversy gave him pause, as did the reality that autism appears to still be on the rise despite some parents choosing not to vaccinate their kids.
Nonetheless, it will still be possible to vaccinate people in other high-risk groups: health care workers, people caring for infants and healthy young people.
Despite efforts to vaccinate and control the population of infected birds, H5N1 is considered firmly entrenched in bird populations across large parts of Asia.
For that part, the researchers will have to vaccinate large Numbers of volunteers, and find out whether they later become infected with HIV through daily living.
Clifford said the USDA, which is responsible for approving any swine flu vaccinations for pigs, will not require hog farmers to vaccinate against the human strain.
Doctors have been given a target to vaccinate just over half of people in the priority groups in order not to lose income, but fear they will not be able to hit this.
Girardi's teams have worked with the Ministry of Animal Husbandry to vaccinate dogs in select villages on Bali over the past year, with about 60, 000 dogs having been helped.
In the case of H5N1, new vaccines developed in the last few years for both humans and birds may help to reduce risks, but local capabilities to vaccinate people are often lacking.
The Ministry of Health (MoH) with technical assistance of WHO, has started to vaccinate Tappita District and plans to extend the reactive mass vaccination campaign to neighbouring districts.
The Beijing Morning Post on Wednesday reported that Qingdao, a major port city in Shandong province, was carrying out a campaign to vaccinate 40,000 dogs between now and the end of September.
Therefore, in this prospective double-blind study, the researchers looked to see if it is worth waiting to vaccinate until after patients have been on ART and their viral loads are suppressed.
To avoid this, if you do decide to vaccinate, be sure you keep a detailed record of which vaccinations your child has received, and when - do not rely on your doctor's office to do that for you.
They vaccinate our children and help us to recover when we are sick.
How do you vaccinate against your family legacy of breast cancer or your constant exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke?
乳腺癌的家 族遗传,或者长期吸二手烟,对于这些因素,怎样才能进行免疫接种呢?
The law ought to cover animal population control and responsible pet ownership, which means people should vaccinate their animals from rabies and other contagious disease.
The law ought to cover animal population control and responsible pet ownership, which means people should vaccinate their animals from rabies and other contagious disease.