You'll probably have to wait for about a week. When you have the report, come back to me.
The idea that solar energy will have to wait for a breakthrough to reach grid parity is "crap," he says. He adds: "We're not talking about rocket science. We're talking basic engineering.
Turn off the computer, wait about 20 seconds for the hard disk to stop rotating then turn the computer back on.
Worried about having to stand up in the aisle in a crowded bus, or to wait hours for the next departure?
Optimizing your code to run faster is an honest and fairly obvious way to go about decreasing wait times for your users.
Many survivors have talked about the long wait for the police to rescue them.
Think about what an excited person will do when they meet someone. Will she just keep silent or wait for the other person to greet her first?
Pretty much everyone applies for one job: their first one, and most kids think that it’s OK to wait until their last year to worry about this.
And about the beauty of the shoreline when seen from a buoyant lump of foam and fibreglass, while you get your breath back and wait for the next wave to come.
But if unemployment is mainly structural there's little we can do about it: we just need to wait for the market to sort things out, which is going to take a while.
Do not forget about me 'cause I will forever think about you, and I cannot wait for you to see me again.
Often you need to change state, but you don't need to wait for it to be changed or you don't care about the ordering of changes if multiple threads can make changes.
None of you is concerned about me or tells me that my son has incited my servant to lie in wait for me, as he does today.
We would have to go back to the days of clicking a button to wait for a page to refresh before we could move in any direction on a map. And you can forget about seamless zooming.
And while I could have quit my day job even if it hadn't happened, it made it that much more sure for me. I can't wait to tell you about it.
Before the use of BitKeeper and snapshots came about, testers had to wait for releases before testing could begin.
We'll likely just have to wait until Apple makes an announcement for details about its next-generation iPhone; today's rumors actually concern existing devices.
If you decide to run a 5k they can't wait to tell you about how they signed up for a marathon.
The iPad might be the hot tech gift this holiday season, but prospective iPad buyers may want to wait for January as rumblings about a new iPad are starting to surface.
iPad可能是这个假期最炙手可热的电子礼物,但对潜在的iPad买家来说, 他们可能更希望等到明年一月份,因为传言说新一代iPad会在那时候上市.
The only harsh words heard among PC users about Windows 7 concerned why they have had to wait so long-and then have to pay for it.
If the object is new, wait for it to replicate (about 5 minutes).
The prisoners had to wait about a week for a moonless night so that they could leave under the cover of complete darkness.
According to Maximov, Positive Technologies informed the software maker on Dec. 22 about a problem with DEP and was told to wait for a response from the company.
据Maximov说,Positive Technologiey在去年12月22日将这个问题通告了微软,他们得到的答复是等待。
Crab sheds its hard shell, its exoskeleton, it has to wait about a week for the new.
"If you're passionate about running a marathon and want to get the company involved, do it. Don't wait for someone else, " says recruiting manager Christa Foley.
招聘经理Christa Foley说:“如果你热爱马拉松,并且希望公司也能参与,那就去做——不要等着别人说。”
"If you're passionate about running a marathon and want to get the company involved, do it. Don't wait for someone else, " says recruiting manager Christa Foley.
招聘经理Christa Foley说:“如果你热爱马拉松,并且希望公司也能参与,那就去做——不要等着别人说。”