Vera Wang, John Mellencamp, Maya Lin, Tommy Franks and Bob Dole are among those who offer poignant essays about the four walls and front porches that nurtured them.
He engaged in an absurd photo-op to declare "Mission accomplished", and he also gave MEDALS to three of the architects of the debacle, George Tenet, Tommy Franks and Paul Bremer.
And on Aug 13, according to the documents, Centcom's commander, gen Tommy Franks, held a discussion on assembling a massive contingent of British troops as a northern invasion force through Turkey.
在8月13日,按文件所说,中指的指挥官,GenTommy Franks就集结大批英军小分队作为通过土耳其的北方入侵力量进行了一场讨论。
And on Aug 13, according to the documents, Centcom's commander, gen Tommy Franks, held a discussion on assembling a massive contingent of British troops as a northern invasion force through Turkey.
在8月13日,按文件所说,中指的指挥官,GenTommy Franks就集结大批英军小分队作为通过土耳其的北方入侵力量进行了一场讨论。