Maybe not like Elvis or Michael Jackson, but they definitely have a rhythmic beat, and some may even spin like a top.
If you spin a top, that we know that the top will not last very long because of friction.
With acclimatisation, players will learn to hit the ball slightly lower while applying more spin to get the ball around the wall and into the top corner.
But neither did the giants bother the rich country of orchards below; perhaps from fear of the Norn, a strange old woman said to live on the mountain top and spin fates.
From 12 feet, you'll throw a full-spin rotation. Grab the knife by the handle, as you would a hammer, but keep your thumb along the top edge for stability and to prevent over-rotation.
Spin valve with bottom structure is compared with which with top structure.
Top it off with test and debug times of two weeks for first silicon and one week for each subsequent spin.
On top of that, consumers pay a host of taxes, surcharges and fees that would make any consumer's head spin.
The connection between top quality scientific research and business spin-offs and development was obvious.
They love to spin a top on the ice and watch it rotating.
But unlike the spin of a top, proton spin governs the magnetic interactions between protons and other particles, a property that permits magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI).
If the spin coating method is used, a UV-resin is spun on top of the metal film and cured by UV-exposure.
Peter Orszag, Mr Obama's top budget man, tried to put a positive spin on the situation.
The Floormen spin out the connection using the air spinner, or if applicable, the Driller utilises the top drive to spin out the connection.
The movement of top—spin and loop drive of the table tennis also follows the princinples of mechanics.
If I hated spam any more than I already do, I think my head would burst into flames and spin like a top!
The Chemalux 100 Multi-Functional Spin Coating System is a table-top coating system.
The Chemalux 100 Multi-Functional Spin Coating System is a table-top coating system.