The method greatly improves the characteristics of torsional vibration of shafting and can be used in optimum design for several engines.
In this paper, an improved dynamic substructures method is described. The problem of torsional vibration of diesel complex shafting is analysed with this new method.
And the method can also solve response of non linear and linear torsional vibration of a diesel shafting.
In the previous research on torsional. vibration of diesel engine shafting system, an equivalent system must be defined before calculating free vibration and forced vibration.
On this foundation, a theoretical model based on system method for calculating coupled axial and torsional vibration of large ships diesel propulsion shafting is established.
The new method is able to solve torsional vibration of the shafting with branches and has been successfully used in many cases.
According to coupling principle and excited force of shafting system, a model of coupled torsional-axial forced vibration can be constructed.
In this paper, a theoretical model based on system matrix method for calculating coupled axial and torsional vibration of large Marine diesel propulsion shafting is established.
Because of elastic components such as rubber, rigidity of shafting goes down, which can arise torsional vibration on the ends of the elastic coupling easily.
Firstly the torsional vibration model of the propulsion shafting was built up and its performance parameter was calculated.
Firstly the torsional vibration model of the propulsion shafting was built up and its performance parameter was calculated.