As an important part of the purchasing management, the supplier management is a headspring to reduce total cost of purchase and enhance core competitiveness of enterprises.
Your cost of doing this analysis is limited to gathering information in a detailed request for purchase (RFP) and evaluating the total costs in the responses.
Even though you save on kerosene, it takes more than three years after purchase for the total cost of running a compact fluorescent lamp to drop below that of a kerosene lamp and fuel.
The problem of structure optimization in supply is essentially how to determine the supplier number. The number of suppliers is related to the supply risk and total purchase cost.
In this paper we discussed the problem of collaboration-supply in supply chain based on minimal total cost including transportation cost, purchase cost and inventory cost.
In addition, customers benefit from our "total cost" service - we've put together from the initial purchase to install and service the total package cost of the replacement of the product life cycle.
Compressor in many industrial equipment, the difference between the purchase cost only account for the total life cycle cost less than 10% of more than 80%, and the cost is low power consumption.
With all the various features integrated into a single package, customers will experience an easier time with purchase, installation and maintenance, as well as reduced total cost of ownership.
The traveler ' s checks cost 1 . 5 % of the total amount of purchase.
旅行支票手续费是购买总额的1 。 5 % 。我想兑现这张汇款单。
The traveler ' s checks cost 1 . 5 % of the total amount of purchase.
旅行支票手续费是购买总额的1 。 5 % 。我想兑现这张汇款单。