Managers and executives examine total cost of ownership (TCO) from the top down.
Such middleware can greatly reduce the total cost of ownership and the complexity of the information integration.
Even though you can build flexible architectures with proprietary technology, it creates vendor lock-in, reduces flexibility in future sourcing, and likely results in higher total cost of ownership.
If a company already has administrators who could be used for a new project (as opposed to having to add a new resource), it can impact the total cost of ownership.
This results in reducing the total cost of ownership through codeless implementation.
In short, total cost of ownership for the desktop infrastructure can be reduced, which includes significant energy savings.
Booting from SAN can also simplify data center administration, improve disaster tolerance, and reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) through diskless servers.
The goals of this journey are to keep improving cost efficiencies and keep lowering total cost of ownership.
As a result, organizations can achieve rapid growth, reduced total cost of ownership and improved access to timely, accurate information.
The first financial calculation for you to work on is the total cost of ownership.
A LDM helps to reduce total cost of ownership.
The approach I will walk you through has two financial calculation components: the total cost of ownership and the estimated benefit.
Therefore, it results in a lower total cost of ownership (TCO).
因此,这会降低总体拥有成本 (TCO)。
To reduce the total cost of ownership of the toolset and its processes.
Customers choose Informix because of its reliability, flexibility, ease-of-use, and total cost of ownership.
GPFS reduces your total cost of ownership.
The blade servers reduce complexity, improve systems management, and increase energy efficiency while driving down total cost of ownership.
Lowered total cost of ownership (TCO).
Lower total cost of ownership especially for smaller roll-outs.
Estimated total cost of ownership (TCO).
Lotus Domino 7.0 delivers increased productivity through faster performance, greater scalability, and lower total cost of ownership (TCO).
LotusDomino 7.0通过更高的性能、更好的可伸缩性和更低的总体拥有成本(TCO)提高了生产率。
There's no beating Linux's total cost of ownership, since the software is generally free.
(On a project of this magnitude, if you're not willing to look at both the total benefit of ownership (TBO) and total cost of ownership (TCO) for the warehouse, you might as well stop now!)
(在此量级的项目中,如果您不愿意着眼于数据仓库总体拥有利益(total benefitofownership,TBO)和总体拥有成本(total cost of ownership,TCO),那么您倒不如现在就停止!)
This new solution drastically decreases the total cost of ownership for ALM tools and processes.
You should also monitor the total cost of ownership for the product to ensure that the product doesn't become unaffordable due to the introduction of the new technology.
This modular approach lowers total cost of ownership to a point where testers can sustain scripts by centralizing much of these required updates over the lifetime of your software.
In some cases, consolidation movements involve migrating from an old operating system to one that can provide easier system maintenance or other Total Cost of Ownership benefits.
The alternative is to load a single server with several applications so that the organization gets the full total cost of ownership (TCO).
Among other features, it provides an executive summary and detailed ROI and total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) illustrations-based on the input you provide (see Figure 1).
Using a collocated server enables you to reduce the total cost of ownership by decreasing the number of physical machines required to set up a scalable enterprise architecture.