But it won't have much impact on our profitability as labor costs account for less than 5% of our total production costs.
EXAMPLE: Certain industries, such as farming, are quite labor-intensive, and therefore employee compensation is often a large percentage of total production costs.
For a given load demand, security economic dispatch (SED) allocates the units generation to minimize the total production costs, including the security and load flow equation constraints.
Better use of equipment - as total production has increased, manufacturing equipment will have been more fully exploited, lowering fully accounted unit costs.
For example, in 1990 the cost of quality at Raytheon Electronics Systems was almost 60% of total software production costs.
例如,在1990年的费用,质量雷声电子系统,几乎60 %的软件总的生产成本。
Standardized costs for land, inputs, operational expenses and value of outputs are used to calculate total crop production costs and net income.
Minimizing total production and logistic costs within the supply network was considered as the objective function. This modified model can be solved using standard optimization software.
Energy accounts for a significant portion of the total blast production costs and to minimize energy consumption, both technical and economical aspects have to be consider.
Energy accounts for a significant portion of the total blast production costs and to minimize energy consumption, both technical and economical aspects have to be consider.