Retained earnings represent the total profits the company has earned since it began, minus whatever has been paid to shareholders as dividends.
The refrain here is familiar: “The total cost to ratepayers, taxpayers and shareholders stemming from cost overruns, canceled plants and stranded costs exceeded $300 billion in today's dollars.”
The total price tag for the takeover may rise to 12.3 billion reais, taking into consideration an offer for Brasil Telecom's minority shareholders, Oi Chief Executive Luiz Eduardo Falco said.
In order for the balance sheet to balance, total assets on one side have to equal total liabilities plus shareholders' equity on the other.
The offer allows Yahoo shareholders to elect to receive cash or a fixed number of shares of Microsoft common stock with the total purchase consisting of half cash and half stock.
But the shareholders' money is only a small part of the total amount of money which the clearing Banks have at their command.
Statistics show that 58 companies increased holdings of shares in the ratio of major shareholders are the company's total share capital of more than 1 percent.
The total legislative principle is that the stock right can be transferred both totally and freely, and the trust relationship between shareholders should be safeguarded.
Under the terms of the St. Jude deal, St. Jude shareholders will receive $46.75 in cash and 0.8708 shares of Abbott common stock, representing a total consideration of around $85 per share.
Shareholders' equity normally excludes intangible assets such as goodwill and is calculated by deducting total liabilities and intangibles from total assets.
Dividends, the share of their revenues that companies pay to their shareholders, are a big deal: Over the past century, they've accounted for roughly half of total returns earned by stock investors.
Under terms of the proposed deal, Yahoo shareholders could choose to receive cash or Microsoft common shares, with the total purchase consisting of 50 percent each cash and stock.
Under terms of the proposed deal, Yahoo shareholders could choose to receive cash or Microsoft common shares, with the total purchase consisting of 50 percent each cash and stock.