They also require trace amounts of iron which limits phytoplankton growth in large areas of the ocean because iron concentrations are very low.
The lunar soil (regolith) contains iron, aluminum, calcium, silicon, titanium, and oxygen, as well as trace amounts of lighter elements such as carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen.
It was reported that trace amounts of arsenic in iron ores, spherical ores and sintering ores were determined by GFAAS.
It was reported that trace amounts of arsenic in iron ores, spherical ores and sintering ores were determined by GFAAS.
A method for testing trace amounts of Si, p, Mn, As, Zn in iron ore powder by ICP - AES is presented, which is convenient, rapid and accurate.
A method for testing trace amounts of Si, p, Mn, As, Zn in iron ore powder by ICP - AES is presented, which is convenient, rapid and accurate.