And Justice Rehnquist—though bareheaded and ill, pitifully underclad for the cold, with his tracheotomy tube wobbling at his throat—was basking in the climate he had helped to create.
Rehnquist法官不再戴上帽子,而且还疾病缠身,可怜地承受着感冒之苦,气管切开手术留下的管子还在他喉咙上晃荡。 尽管如此,他还是欣悦地陶醉在自己所参与创造的“气候”之中。
And Justice Rehnquist—though bareheaded and ill, pitifully underclad for the cold, with his tracheotomy tube wobbling at his throat—was basking in the climate he had helped to create.
Rehnquist法官不再戴上帽子,而且还疾病缠身,可怜地承受着感冒之苦,气管切开手术留下的管子还在他喉咙上晃荡。 尽管如此,他还是欣悦地陶醉在自己所参与创造的“气候”之中。