Travel and tourism employees are among the worst paid in the developed world.
The travel and tourism industry is the world's largest employer with almost 130 million jobs, or almost 7 percent of all employees.
Once the exclusive province of the wealthy, travel and tourism have become an institutionalised way of life for most of the population.
One of the largest segments of the service industry, although largely unrecognised as an entity in some of these countries, is travel and tourism.
However, the nature of this very diversity makes travel and tourism ideal vehicles for economic development in a wide variety of countries, regions or communities.
The major problems of the travel and tourism industry that have hidden, or obscured, its economic impact are the diversity and fragmentation of the industry itself.
The hotel was appointed a designated hotel by the Beijing Travel and Tourism Administration.
This is a survey for our Travel and Tourism project.
That travel and tourism creates jobs is indisputable.
Whether you live in Beijing, or to Beijing travel and tourism;
Travel and tourism now account for 8% of all exports, more than the auto business.
Leaders at all levels, the Quartet meeting guests, business, travel and tourism an ideal place to stay.
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The main purpose of the rest involved in relaxation, fitness, travel and tourism and leisure, entertainment.
Kelly, 25, well-presented with careful make-up and a cherry-red jacket, is doing a course in travel and tourism.
The owner works in travel and tourism, he once rented the house and planned to renovate it into a cultural place.
This comprehensive approach to travel and tourism competitiveness taken in the report aims to contribute to this discussion.
Moreover, the company forecasts a growth of 7.8% annually over the next 10 years for the Indian travel and tourism industry.
The travel and tourism sector in Asia Pacific immediately felt the impact with a steep 10 percent decline in visitor numbers.
The world travel and tourism council reports tourism employs almost 200 million people worldwide-1 in every 13 jobs worldwide today.
Tourism management is the leading international journal for all those concerned with the planning and management of travel and tourism.
"There is clearly an upward trend, a huge upward trend," said Nancy Cockerell, a policy adviser at the World Travel and Tourism Council.
Shares in Europe's travel and tourism companies suffered heavy falls on Monday as investors worried about the impact of the Paris attacks.
With the caveat that almost every figure in this survey is suspect, it can at least be said that the world travel and tourism industry is huge.
Figure 12 provides a list of Asian firms that are exposed to the US travel and tourism, healthcare, financial services and entertainment sectors.
Angelo Rossini, Travel and Tourism Research Analyst at Euromonitor, highlights the recent applications of smart phones to the travel and tourism industry.
Lastly, Caroline Bremner, Head of Global Travel and Tourism discusses the North American trend of using health and wellness to forget about economic hardships.
最后,全球旅行和旅游主管Caroline Bremner讨论了在北美用健康的旅游来忘记经济困难的新趋势。
Fears over swine flu threatened to knock a vulnerable global economy into deeper turmoil, hammering travel and tourism as nervous consumers and businesses delayed spending plans.
Fears over swine flu threatened to knock a vulnerable global economy into deeper turmoil, hammering travel and tourism as nervous consumers and businesses delayed spending plans.