"Norm management, trustworthiness management" is a my factory quality policy, "make customer satisfied" is the activity guidebook of factory.
Exactly this kind of trustworthiness in the management consciousness, turn over, help Huizhou merchants and Shanxi merchants claim leadership in the south-north Ming-Qing Dynasty.
My company form establish a beginning to start and then insist strict pair of quality, guard securely a trustworthiness, treat prestige as life of management principle.
To cultivate trustworthiness culture in an enterprise, it is necessary to establish barrier-free management system based on trustworthiness;
Come much to the principle of management of take orders "the trustworthiness is originally, pursue outstanding", effort for the product and the service that the society provides the superior quality.
Come much to the principle of management of take orders "the trustworthiness is originally, pursue outstanding", effort for the product and the service that the society provides the superior quality.