Try to keep calm and just tell me what happened.
When difficulties arise, try to keep calm for a little while and make some kind of rational sense out of what is happening.
Remember, when those questions about where babies come from, try to avoid mentioning gooseberry bushes, and keep calm and carry on!
If you have to deal personally with aviolent individual within your own department, try to stay calm, usenonthreatening language, try to keep the person talking, and alert company security.
Keep calm, and try not to panic.
You might find yourself getting easily stressed out by any difficult situations today. But if you feel your frustration level starting to rise, just remember to try to keep your calm right now.
All in all, I found university life is so much different from life in high school. Keep in mind that you must try your best to calm yourself in high school in order to meet another big challenge.
All in all, I found university life is so much different from life in high school. Keep in mind that you must try your best to calm yourself in high school in order to meet another big challenge.