People in the first group knew they could find the information again, so they did not try to remember it.
Whenever that happens, I will try to remember my father's vest.
Jen also asks her patients to try to remember songs they like.
I would try to remember the different possessions I supposedly had taken away since I seldom actually kept them.
Try to remember the projects people told you about, the names of their spouses or children, the fact that they have a Beagle.
In raising our children there is one thing I always try to remember, treat others as you wish to be treated. It really is that simple.
You'll find it easier if you try to remember a specific experience and picture that person as you saw them then.
Ever look up at the night sky and try to tell your kids the name of that constellation you're pointing at, or try to remember which planet that is in the southern sky?
Because put myself in position of a teenager, try to remember what I was like, would I go for a ugly girl or go for the most beautiful?
It's not something they try to remember.
So, if not, then try to remember them for Tuesday.
Just try to remember that parents' decisions to split up are to do with issues between them, and not because of something you might have done or not done.
So if you're feeling stressed out, try to remember when your last meal was.
We're not going to try to remember everything in music — too complex.
First off, if you are going to dinner, read the Rules for Fine Dining list; try to remember at least one or two.
But I cannot bear to think that, and so I try to remember him as he was for those months we were given together.
I may not recite the whole text, but I will read every line at least once and try to remember them by heart. And for unfamiliar words, I will simply read more times.
If you've got more than three tabs open, try to remember what that fourth TAB is without looking.
You've undoubtedly forgotten the dial-up experience, but try to remember back when you actually could see a Web page load line . . . by . . . line . . . .
When things get tough try to remember why you are doing it.
I get to call him by what his friends call him. However, I'll try to remember to say Henry Louis Gates, and in any case to return to him now.
Try to remember that for your speech for whichever kid ends up getting married first.
Just try to remember that if they had wanted to kill you, they would have done.
And that is indeed going to be the curl of F. in practice, if you have to compute the curl of a vector field, you know, don't try to remember this formula.
When someone does something nice for you, however small, try to remember to say thank you.
Better he think of himself as a good boy who did a bad thing and who will try to remember not to do that again.
Better he think of himself as a good boy who did a bad thing and who will try to remember not to do that again.