You must set up an airtight base defense immediately, blocking the two base access roads at their chokepoints (2 and 3) and putting defense on the high ground overlooking both chokes.
'Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, ' she said, though there was no fork in the path they were on.
With fewer than 50 days to the Olympic Games, Chinese authorities on Friday announced plans to almost halve the number of cars on the capital's roads for a two-month period.
Unsurprisingly, almost a two weeks after it began, vehicles are spilling on to smaller feeder roads when they have a chance, meaning that the impasse is spreading to surrounding areas.
Keeping away from the main roads to evade capture, they drove on forest roads for two hours, heading for the town of Wadowice.
On the two roads which cross from Xianghe.
One day, two years later, Patrasche was going on as usual along one of the straight, dusty roads that led to the city of Antwerp.
Situated on a small plot at the intersection of two roads, the building is conveniently located for the developer's clients and is intended to function as a promotional landmark.
Two roads cross in front of our village. On summer evenings, people sit under the trees enjoying the cool breeze. The houses in our village are well laid out.
A crossroads is when two roads meet and you can choose if you want to continue on the path you are on, or go down a new one.
This paper presents some findings of a study of the effect of overtaking sight distance on journey speed in two lane rural roads by means of Swedish VTI Traffic Simulation Model.
Trees and flowers are planted on the two sides of the roads.
The two roads cannot be traveled on simultaneously.
At two percent, you start seeing them on the roads everywhere.
This song appears on two albums, and was first released on the dreamland express album, and has also been released on the the country roads collection album.
Shenyang kicked off yesterday morning at a toll station on the third ring road. Before the National Games in 2013, the two ring roads will be completed.
I drive to Monza, because it's only two hours from there, and it's easy to get out on the back roads.
Police have warned the disruption on the roads - with cars remaining stationary as tailbacks stretch for 12 miles - is likely to last for a further two days.
Police have warned the disruption on the roads - with cars remaining stationary as tailbacks stretch for 12 miles - is likely to last for a further two days.