He noted that a typo-correcting tool like this may be even more useful in a mobile browser than it is on a computer with a full-size keyboard.
"Is this a typo, or did the interview take place last year?"
First off that is NOT a typo; there are no quotation marks around the XML that you declare.
So it is a virtual impossibility to look ahead for a potential typo or even to look back at what was just read.
Moore and Edelman say their analysis found that some website owners operate thousands of different typo domains.
For example, take the simple case of a typo in the destination URL.
If you look at the Debug Messages pane, the answer is spelled out: The variable $multipler is undefined because it's a typo. It should be $multiplier.
如果看一下DebugMessages面板,答案就清楚了:变量 $multipler是未定义的,因为它是一个拼写错误,应该是 $multiplier。
Perhaps there's a closing element named, oddly, "girstName." That might very well be a typo.
可能有一个奇怪的闭合元素叫做 “girstName”,这可能是一个输入错误。
The downside of this approach is the possibility that a typo or slight ambiguity in the signature will silently fail, which means the code will compile but "do the wrong thing" at runtime.
You referenced an invalid internal link by mistake because of a typo.
Ted is a good system administrator who can control and run a smooth and stable system, but he is not good at correcting typo errors.
You can have a simple and delicate typo, a huge and strong one, you can also go colorful and crazy or light and smooth.
I have elevated the simple typo to an art form.
The code can fail at run time if it includes even a simple typo.
You may want to change details, add details, or even just fix a typo.
"To very specific questions about a particular APIcall or a typo in our documentation."
While that might not be much time, it’s probably enough to pull back emails where you forget an attachment, forget to cc someone, or catch an obvious typo.
In the older days of AIX, you would have modified this database using low-level commands that involved a high degree of risk to the server, where one typo could wreck the operating system.
Companies can feel compelled to advertise on typo domains targeting their own websites because they fear they might lose business to competitors if they do not.
Typo pirates play on the names of famous sites to collect authentication and registration information.
If you get a PHP-related error (other than something to the effect of "program not found"), then your problem is a typo in the code.
Therapist: (laughing) Hey, that was a typo and I apologized for it!
Fat finger here refers to the act of performing a typo, often used when referring to password typos.
The child's name is hard to read, hard to pronounce, and is prone to typo errors.
Patient responsible for 200% of out-of-network charges "is not a typo."
If a typo had been corrected they thought they typed it right.
It's a tongue typo when you trip over your words and accidentally call your friend Mike instead of by his actual name, Mark.
Hang on, let me spell that typo out: Is that the way you want to LOVE?
Hang on, let me spell that typo out: Is that the way you want to LOVE?