Based on UML activity diagram, the system test method was described.
From the UML activity diagram, you know that the amount 10000 is significant!
UML activity diagram described the flows control in a system, and is of high application value.
For example, the "How" column has a strong process emphasis and can be compared with the UML Activity diagram.
This is represented by using a UML activity diagram that shows all of the activities identified in the specific business process.
The discussion focuses on UML activity diagram extension, model description of event-driven mechanism and data-transfer mechanism.
UML activity diagram is well-known for describing systems' dynamic behavior, and it is useful to model business process and workflow.
You'll find a new package created, together with a UML activity diagram created that represents the process steps defined in the steps.txt file.
您会发现一个新创建的包裹,以及一个创建用于显示steps. txt文件中定义的过程步骤的UML活动图。
At last, how to get test case from test scenario was discussed. Thereby automatic generating test case from UML activity diagram became systemic, feasible and effective.
The formal semantics difined here is able to deal with most of the features of UML activity diagram, and establish the foundation of describing and analysis of work flow.
The test suite is designed with a UML activity diagram, in which each action corresponds to a test action (test script) and each decision corresponds to a decision script, as shown in Figure 10.
The sample code reads business process steps from a text file and creates a UML activity diagram skeleton (one activity node for each process step) for this process in Rational Software Architect.
代码示例从一个文本文件中,阅读业务过程步骤,并为Rational Soft ware Architect中的该过程,创建一个UML活动图框架(每一步过程都对应着一个活动节点)。
However, transforming a UML sequence diagram, or activity that accompanies a use case, might be suitable for automation (given the rigor under which it was constructed).
Systems integration benefits from some of the more detailed UML diagrams, such as the activity or flow chart diagram.
The UML specification provides specific text values for diagram types (e.g., sd = Sequence Diagram, activity = Activity Diagram, and use case = Use Case Diagram).
UML规范给图类型提供特定的文本值。 (举例来说,sd代表序列图,activity代表活动图,usecase代表用例图)。
Taking sea target surveillance and hitting system for example, the top-level demands are described using user case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram and collaboration diagram in UML.
Taking sea target surveillance and hitting system for example, the top-level demands are described using user case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram and collaboration diagram in UML.