The chemical reductants fail to reduce carbonyl group under ambient conditions.
In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the photo-promoted carbonylation under ambient conditions.
Canned products can easily be transported and stored for a longer period of time under ambient conditions in a moderate climate.
The surface structure of Polymeric 1 Cyano 3 Phenyl Urea(PCPU) film has been studied by scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) under ambient conditions.
Biocatalysts -enzymes are well known for their ability to carry out chemical reactions with high selectivity and high efficiency under ambient conditions.
The present method yields a dough with characteristics that are very similar to yeast leavened dough, but that will not collapse even when stored under ambient conditions for several hours.
本方法 生产的面团的特征非常类似于酵母发面的面团,但是即使在环境条件 下贮存几个小时也不会塌陷。
The test result shotoed that using this cooling method the circulating water can be cooled down to a temperature be-low the ambient temperature under certain conditions.
Positioning systems should operate as accurately, quickly and reliably as possible, especially under industrial ambient conditions.
Under mild ambient conditions gallium phosphide nanoparticles were employed to carry out the reduction of nitrogen.
The system combines optimized mono imaging under low or no light conditions with optimized color rendered imaging during high ambient light conditions, with both achieving high quality focus.
The module reduces board space as well as design complexity and enables accurate color and ambient-light sensing under a variety of conditions.
There was no obvious difference in total polyamines in grains between two varieties under natural ambient conditions.
There was no obvious difference in total polyamines in grains between two varieties under natural ambient conditions.