Every day, there's going to be a TA in the undergraduate lounge.
One idea is to allow people to study law as an undergraduate degree.
This leaves today's average law-school graduate with $100000 of debt on top of undergraduate debts.
I even worked on a commercial fishing boat in Alaska a couple of summers while I was an undergraduate.
"We're playing the merit game," acknowledges Tom Lancaster, associate dean for undergraduate education.
However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities.
Every year the school has a pool of money to fund a number of research projects of undergraduate students.
Since my undergraduate degree will be in public relations, I've already decided to get a master's degree in marketing.
To demonstrate, Justin, one of Pepperberg's undergraduate assistants, instructs Griffin and Alex to hop up on the work perch.
MIT Comparative Media Studies offers both undergraduate degree opportunities and a two-year course of study leading to an SM degree.
University teaching in the United Kingdom is very different at both undergraduate and graduate levels from that of many overseas countries.
Arum and Roksa placed the blame for students' lack of learning on a watered-down college curriculum and lowered undergraduate work standards.
In a multi-stage life, you could be an undergraduate at 20, 40, or 60; a manager at 30, 50, or 70; and become an independent producer at any age.
It is, true, the period of his life that established his name and fortune, that swift rise from undergraduate cabaret turn to star host on both sides of the Atlantic.
This is Shaun Harper's study, and he points out that on major college campuses across the country, black males make up less than 3 percent of undergraduate enrollments.
One of the great things about freshman housing is that, with some exceptions, the process throws you together randomly," said Undergraduate Assembly chairman Alec Webley.
“除了个别例外,新生宿舍的好处之一是,学生会被随机地安排同住 。”本科生委员会主席亚历克·韦伯利(Alec Webley)说。
"One of the great things about freshman housing is that, with some exceptions, the process throws you together randomly," said Undergraduate Assembly chairman Alec Webley.
“新生宿舍的好处之一是,除了个别例外,学生会被随机地安排同住 。”本科生委员会主席亚历克·韦伯利说。
Yale and Harvard have led the way, offering every undergraduate at least one international study or internship opportunity—and providing the financial resources to make it possible.
Happily, the older and more continental view of legal education is establishing itself in a number of Canadian universities and some have even begun to offer undergraduate degrees in law.
Now that women are the majority of college students and surpass men in both the number of undergraduate and advanced degrees awarded, one might think the college campus is a pretty equal place.
In the past decade, we have seen a considerable increase in England in the number of women accepted on to full-time undergraduate degrees in science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem subjects).
在过去的十年里,我们见证了英国攻读科学、技术、工程和数学(Stem 学科)全日制本科学位的女性人数的大幅增长。
Universities are also encouraging students to spend some of their undergraduate years in another country.
An undergraduate was not good looking.
Now look, I was an undergraduate once.
An Undergraduate student and a graduate student.
A typical undergraduate degree lasts 4 years.
His understanding words touched the undergraduate.
I'm Rachel Steinberg, undergraduate of Wilson School.
Garber first came to Harvard in 1973 as an undergraduate.
Garber first came to Harvard in 1973 as an undergraduate.