However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novel's diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing.
This serves to unify all the various outlets and guest rooms whilst still allowing for individual design character to emerge.
But most importantly, it can unify all the asset-pricing models to get a new asset-pricing model containing pricing factors of the two dimensions.
As Ales Justin writes in his article: "The main goal or idea behind this library is very simple: unify all of JBossAS component scanning into a single-pass scan."
AlesJustin在文章中写到“这个库背后的想法非常简单:将所有的JBoss AS扫描组件统一到单独的库中”。
What was needed was a consistent and well-understood pseudo - or meta-language to unify all the different ways of representing and documenting software architectures.
to unify all MySQL-related development and services, providing a solution to the fragmentation and uncertainty facing the communities, businesses and technical experts involved with MySQL.
In practice, there are more powerful instruments of integration than "spatially targeted" efforts-eg, land markets that unify all places, or infrastructure that connects some places to others.
A better strategy for managing these applications or components would be to unify the implementation of all the interconnecting applications or components into a single technology.
In Phil Wainewright's opinion, an all encompassing Web Oriented Architecture allows to unify SOA and cloud computing. He continued by saying that.
Phil Wainewright的观点是,一个包罗万象的面向Web的架构可以让我们统一soa和云计算。
Therefore Kryon asks you to breathe deeply and go deep into your divinity in order to unify your chakras there, expand yourself, and while this happens we will ground you on all levels.
It's symbolic of the company - we have so much momentum and energy right now, and I wanted to unify the creativity and the dynamic attitude of all the employees driving this company forward.
What to ignore you to want a body now is which concept what to unify is an all expressional character special qualities and to thing all new principle of.
So far nearly all attempts to unify have had very good results in recent years.
Just taking a few minutes throughout the day to unify ourselves can provide peace and happiness to all aspects of our lives.
It will take a while for these energies to unify throughout all of your universe.
All of the wooden boards are painted yellow to unify them in tone.
We should further unify the resource advantages of all the enterprises.
Of OR relating to all Greek peoples OR a movement to unify them.
Regarding the latter, first of all, EU makes efforts to unify law, thereby reduce the legal conflicts among member states and establish the authority of related EU law.
First of all, the management decision-making class should reach an agreement, clear their duties and unify their understanding gradually through meeting and training.
What to ignore you to want a body now is which concept, what to unify is an all expressional character special qualities and to thing all new principle of.
Which the pursuit of true, the good and the beautiful blend completely and unify highly, is human society's ideal, is also the education for all-around development pursue highest boundary.
To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify.
All privates is a black or yellow in spite of, all is unify a charge.
Using this signal, we can unify the work time of all the instruments of the accelerator, and the touch off signals are related from each other, the twitter among the signals is small.
Using this signal, we can unify the work time of all the instruments of the accelerator, and the touch off signals are related from each other, the twitter among the signals is small.